Effective Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Effective Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Published on September 18, 2019 by
Middle-age woman Smiling at the window.

If your teeth aren’t as white as they used to be, or even as white as you would like them to be, there are numerous ways to whiten them. The dental whitening market can be a bit overwhelming and confusing, so here are some of your options to help you determine which could work for […]

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Natural Remedies to Fight Cavities

Published on September 3, 2019 by
Portrait of a young woman holding a green apple

While visiting the dentist to have a cavity properly treated is effective, there are a few additional steps you can take to help slow the growth of cavities to prevent them from becoming deep or painful. A cavity that is left without proper treatment can get worse and eventually grow deeper into the tooth, reach […]

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